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SWCS Teacher Professional Development Program

Our professional development program exists to help teachers become proficient in their calling as they serve our students, parents, and school.  The professional development program is designed around seven pillars that make Southwest Covenant the school it is.  The seven pillars are as follows:

Foundations of American Christian Education


I.   Biblical Worldview: Defining American CHRISTIAN Education

II.  AMERICAN Christian Education: The Case for Liberty

III. Biblical Integration: Uncovering the Gospel of your EDUCATION


American Christian Education at SWCS


IV.   SWCS Vision:  Understanding where we have been and where we are going.

V.    SWCS Culture:  Equipping our Students

VI.   SWCS Classroom:  Creating a Learning Environment

VII.  SWCS Teacher:  Education our Students


Professional Development Links:

SWCS Professional Development OVERVIEW Map

SWCS Resource List for PD Program


OSDE Teacher Certification